Monday, May 16, 2011

Wooden Feet


The last few weeks have been insanely busy for me.

Hense the lack of creative writing.

To recap: I received a callback to The National Theatre School, which is the last portion of the auditions that they do before choosing the 12 students for their program. I have come to terms with myself that I will probably not be one of those 12. And if I am, I am going to cry like a pre teen girl at the sight of Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling yelling at each other in the rain.

Now to salvage my masculinity.

I am currently taking a break from my pieces to write this update. I have worked really hard on them and have had some awesome coaching sessions with some extremely talented and just all around great people. I am going to channel as much of their talent as I can. I am forever thankful to them for helping me the way they have.

Since the National Theatre School is in Montreal, I had to fly up for the audition. So I am here now and my audition is on Wednesday (Today is Monday).  I am staying with one of my friends up here so as not to cost me money in hotels. But his apartment is pretty much a hotel. It seriously looks like something out of an Ikea magazine. Living for free. Oh yeah.

Although I am compelled to pose on the different furniture of the apartment, as if I am in the magazine as well, I can't due to that there is a French dude here who is attempting to fix a modem that is not working.

SO here I am barely knowing any French, and left alone because my friend had to go to rehearsal, with the French technician who doesn't speak any English. So, we have found a successful way of communicating by grunting and motioning with our hands, similar to that of Neanderthals. It makes me think about how language came to be...

At times I almost felt like the Miracle worker where I am putting words into his mouth, luckily we haven't had to share any moments under a water pump.

I am stoked to be here and my nervousness is setting in. I am going to go back to work now.

Also, I start filming Blackbird next week and the tour has come to an end. Now I just have to find some work after the movie....

Night Abyss.

1 comment:

josiane said...

Go ace the audition! I hope you'll be coming to live in Montreal:)-Josiane