Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back in the Groove


Alright so it has been almost a week since I have been home, to be exact 5 days. Most of those days, or rather, all of those days have been spent catching up with my friends and girlfriend who has the patience of Job to deal with me and my radical behaviour.

So now that "vacation" is over it is time to start getting back on the streets and selling myself.

Wow, didn't think that through.

I am in progress of updating all my resume's and photos to bring into my agency tomorrow in attempts to garner at least as much work as last summer. Hopefully more.

I am flat broke this time around and will probably have to cave to working at a gas station or McDonalds, both of which I think would be quite interesting to work at. But enough about my potential unemployment and more about the opportunities that are coming about!

I have probably already mentioned my involvement in a festival created my one of my fellow NTS'rs, Sebastien Heins, who graduated earlier this month. He and I as well as 4 other performers are showing our talents in a two hour evening on the 27th at 8pm at the Bus Stop Theatre in Halifax. I am stoked for this show because it will be the first time I have performed my Vocal Masque outside of school and I also get to meet a lot of cool people, which is always a bonus.

After this I, potentially, have a gig on June 4th, which is an evening of short plays and I have been tentatively cast in this as well! So some good coverage coming up, but no monies.

So here is hoping that I can get some film work ASAP. For my cats sake.

Also, my girlfriend and I went to see "Fishing' by Jeremy Webb and Stacy Smith. It was awesome if you have the chance to see it, do it.

Just a short one tonight, but I will keep you posted. Check out my twitter and IMDB!

Night Abyss.



Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tub Dreaming - A Return

Hey Abyss,

Look, I know its been a while buddy but I have concluded that there is really no point in my writing about my progress in school. It would get repetitive and boring, and on a side note the training at NTS is one that cannot described. So I come to you with news of my return.

I am going to be making weekly entry's now that, one, I have time due to the ending of school for the summer, and, two, I am heading back to Halifax for job hunting! So lets dive in:

Today is my 4th day in my empty apartment. The only things to keep me busy are my cats, a computer with limited internet connection and a newly polished off 4kg container of peanut butter. Sounds like a ballin' time eh? I have been sleeping in my bathtub because my bed has been moved to my new apartment, that is about a half hour away, and I have slowly been packing my ONE bag with the essentials that I think I am going to need for 4 months.

This past week has been an eventful one full of much drama and learning. I will start off with my Monday of last week which started with me falling down Mount Royal and having my hand crushed and splitting my pinkie open. After a trip to the emergency room, with help from a man I had just met that night, I was back in my apartment with a stitched hand and a now lost iPod. Needless to say, I have learned to not drink 6 litres of Heineken and go rock climbing after a Canadian Solider, the guy who helped me, has told me not to.

My hand was pretty swollen earlier this week and so I could do nothing for myself, and I mean nothing.

Picture personal things, yeah those I couldn't do either.

So I needed a lot of help and was surprised by the amount of people who called and offered to help my in any way they could. Except with the personal things.

On Wednesday two of my friends helped me move all my furniture over to one of the three apartments I am currently paying for.

A quote : "You always know who your friends are when you see who shows up after you ask for help moving." Jesse LaVercombe.

I was happy to get that all done in less then two hours, but had forgotten that now I had nothing in my apartment which has made for, as mentioned earlier, a grand 'ol time.

Let's just say I think that my cats and I know each other really well now.

My hand has slowly been healing and if you follow my Twitter or Facebook you can see the damage as of yesterday. It reminds me of Frankenstein.

Always an attractive feature to have when appealing to women.

I am leaving for home on wednesday night of this week coming and am stoked to see my family again, although my dear mother laughed at me when I called her and told her what happened on the mountain. It will be nice to have a home cooked meal, or at least a free trip to MacDonalds. I am excited to see all my friends and catch up with people who I have missed for the 8 months I have been here. And most importantly getting some more acting work!

I am praying, for my student loan sake, that this summer will be lucrative and I can make some money and get a decent amount of coverage again. I feel so out of the loop with my city and I am anxious to get back and start annoying people with my public appearances.

I don't want to prattle on for too long but hopefully this has answered the question as to why I have not been writing. And if you have any other questions for me put them in the comment box below.

Also Check out my IMDB, Twitter and Facebook.

Peace Abyss.